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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Dental Crown

Dental Crown

Close up 3D rendering of a dental crown being placed on a shaved down tooth.A dental crown is a tooth-like covering that is placed over the tooth, and is also referred to as a dental cap. The job of a dental crown is to replace the appearance of a damaged tooth. Over time, teeth can become damaged because of tooth decay, misuse, or injuries.

A crown will cover the entire visible portion of the tooth and they are only used in cases where most of the tooth has sustained damage. For this reason, it is important to know the state of your teeth. Schedule cleanings every six months with us at Town Center Dental and don't wait on damaged teeth. That way any decay will be caught before it grows more troublesome. If a crown is necessary for your dental well-being, here's what to expect out of the procedure.

Your First Appointment

A crown procedure will require two appointments. The first appointment involves examining and preparing the damaged tooth. First, the dentist will take an x-ray of the tooth, its roots, and the bone that surrounds it. This will help the dentist determine the extent of the decay. Pulp is the innermost part of a tooth that is made up of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. If the pulp has sustained damage, then a root canal treatment will be required before the crown.

Afterward, your dentist will begin to prepare the tooth to receive a crown. Teeth must be the right shape for a crown. The dentist will achieve this by reshaping the tooth. Beforehand, the dentist will inject the patient with a local anesthetic. Following this, the dentist will file or build up your damaged tooth in order to be able to support the crown. Then, the dentist will make an impression of the tooth using a kind of paste. Finally, your tooth will be covered with a temporary crown and held in place with a temporary cement.

Your Second Appointment

A few weeks later, your personal crown will return after being manufactured at a dental laboratory. This crown can be made of a handful of different materials including metals like gold or silver, porcelain, ceramic, or resin. Now your doctor can check to make sure that the color matches and that the crown is a perfect fit. Finally, local anesthetics will be injected once more, and your crown can be permanently cemented into place. Your new dental crown can last up to 15 years provided with proper dental care. This means that your teeth are still susceptible to decay and gum disease so keep up your health with a proper oral hygiene routine.

Where To Get Your Dental Crown

Please allow our team at Town Center Dental to handle your upcoming dental crown procedure. Trust us to restore your smile to its best and consult with our experienced dental professionals now by calling 636-273-5866.

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2426 Taylor Road,
Wildwood, MO 63040
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Office Hours

Monday: 8am-5pm
Tuesday: 8am-5pm
Wednesday: 9am-5pm
Thursday: 7am-4pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed
Copyright © 2024-2025 Copeland Dental Group - Dr. Jon Copeland and Dr. Stephanie Copeland - ICON Dental Partners and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Copeland Dental Group - Dr. Jon Copeland and Dr. Stephanie Copeland - ICON Dental Partners, 2426 Taylor Road, Arial, MO 63040 ~ 636-273-5866 ~ ~ 2/11/2025 ~ Page Terms:dentist Wildwood MO ~